8051 Jetstar Dr, Irving, TX 75063, USA | Sunday Service: 10:00am | Wednesday Prayer Meeting: 7:00pm

Point Men - It is Monday

It's Monday. In Joseph's dream, he sees his eleven brothers as stars and his father and mother as the sun and moon, all bowing down to him. (Genesis 37:10). (Abraham was given a promise by God in Genesis 12:1 that he would make him a great nation. In Genesis 15:1-21 He promised him a son. God also said the stars shall be like your decendants. The promised son Isaac was born in Genesis 21. Isaac had the seed of the two nations as told to Rebekaha his wife in Genesis 25:23. In Genesis 26:4 God told Issac that his descendants would multiply as the stars of heaven. In Genesis 32:28 Jacob was given the name of the promised nation to come Israel. In Joseph's story through all the twisted and turns a promise is fulfilled.
from Genesis 37 to Genesis to 46, Jacob also hears from the Lord in Genesis 46: 3, God told Jacob to go to Egypt, I will make you a great nation. In Exodus 1:7. Israel multipled and grew mighty. (Pointmen, God keeps his promises. What you praying and believing for God to do?
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